Talking about
project launch
and promotion

Factories and people

We made the Factories and People online project about textile factories in Ivanovo Region with a researcher and scientific consultant Mikhail Timofeev, a photographer Alexander Bormotin and members of the Visit Ivanovo team.
Our colleagues went on an expedition and prepared content about 15 factories in the region. We adapted it for social media, as well as engaged in the project promotion and reporting documentation — the project implementation became possible thanks to a grant from the Internet Development Institute.
To present the history of textile production in Ivanovo Region, to introduce the towns that grew up around the factories to an audience, to tell about modern production that continues old traditions.
The aim of the project is to form an image of Ivanovo region as a textile land.
To acquaint Russian-speaking audiences from different parts of the world with the history and the culture of Ivanovo Region, to tell about modern craftsmans and the necessity of new personnel.

To put industrial architecture objects of Ivanovo Region on the Russian map and to develop industrial tourism on its territory.
What we did
Developed brand identity of the special project
The stylish letter F combines several images: the initial letter of the project’s name Factories and People, the top view of the factory complexes and the form of cast-iron columns — a mandatory construction part of all pre-revolutionary buildings.
Grotesque, slightly elongated font supports the graphic elements and reminds us of the historical and industrial direction of the project.
Complex shades of red and blue became the main colors of the project. Dark red recalls the color of the bricks from which most of the factories are built, while blue is the color of the water and sky reflected in the factories' windows.
The fonts were chosen taking into account the specifics of the Internet project: Oswald for titles and Roboto for the main text. Modern and concise, stylistically they blend well with the project logo and are easy to read from the screen.
To make the heritage project memorable, we created a series of small two-color illustrations in the style of the logo.

We used them to design the covers on the project website and the highlighs on Instagram.
The templates for the social media headings are designed based on photos taken specifically for the project. The story of each factory is composed of a series of publications.
To structure the content, we used a graphic element in the form of a square bracket, which at the same time resembles a half of the letter F — the project logo. The opening bracket starts the story of each factory, and the closing bracket ends it.
Created the website of the project
The website is intended to lay the foundations for the industrial heritage encyclopedia of Ivanovo Region. It’s easy to find and easy to complete: starting the project, we looked into its future and thought about the second and following seasons.
Each factory has its own page: the publications presented in social media in the form of individual posts form a complete story on the website.
The website is intended to lay the foundations for the industrial heritage encyclopedia of Ivanovo Region. It’s easy to find and easy to complete: starting the project, we looked into its future and thought about the second and following seasons.
Each factory has its own page: the publications presented in social media in the form of individual posts form a complete story on the website.
The website gives an opportunity to contact both its authors and us to offer cooperation to everyone who is interested in the project’s development.

The website also aims to develop industrial tourism in the region: we placed there contacts of tourist companies and guides who are ready to show the factory heritage to tourists and travelers.
Launched the project in social media
We created project pages on Instagram, Vkontakte and Facebook and adapted content from the curators — researcher and scientific consultant Mikhail Timofeev and photographer Alexander Bormotin.

Mikhail collected archival materials about the history of factories and their creators, conducted interviews with the owners of modern production facilities.

Alexander took photos and videos of 15 factory complexes and processed more than 1,800 photos.
The work took place during the summer of 2021. Preparation of the original content, its processing and adaptation was carried out in real time and was limited by strict contractual obligations under the publication schedule with the Internet Development Institute. All obligations were fulfilled, materials were prepared and published on time.
Social media of the project
Promoted the project
We launched a PR-campaign. As a result many regional and niche media, architectural and sightseeing startups and publishers wrote about the Factories and People special project.
Integrations with influencers who are passionate about urbanism, abandoned buildings, and industrial architecture added popularity to the project.

Arseniy Kotov 302,000 subscribers
Lana Sator 237,000 subscribers
Alina Romanova 122,000 subscribers
We were supported by cultural projects from different regions of Russia.

Moscow through the eyes of an engineer
In the woods
Another Russia
The First Avant-garde Factory
We launched an advertising campaign on social media for our target audience.

Targeted advertising was aimed at attracting subscribers and reaching unique users. It was important to us that as many people as possible learn about the Factories and People project.
As of November 24, 2021, 2 452 712 unique users read about the project.
We received a lot of feedback and comments about the project.
Future of the project
Project implementation and promotion, reaction of subscribers and the interest of unique users showed the great potential of this topic. That’s why we will be glad to continue cooperation with its curators, to research and popularize the industrial heritage of Ivanovo region, and, maybe, of the whole Russia!

But to make the second, third and all the following seasons of the Factories and People possible, it needs financial support. We prepare materials for textile media development and are open for your offers.
Project team
Les Agency
Mikhail Butorin
Product Manager
Anastasia Vasilchenko
Art Director
Daria Motakova
Project Manager
Nina Udalova
Project Administrator
Natalia Kalashnikova
Lead Designer
Victoria Makarchuk
Graphic Designer
Anastasia Kaledina
Leading Tilda Designer
Yanina Yatsushkevich
Tilda Designer
Tatiana Denisova
Angela Ermakova
SMM Manager
Veronica Mairina
Mikhail Timofeev
Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Culturologist, and Head of the Ivanovo State University Center for Urban and Regional Studies
Alexander Bormotin
Photographer, Influencer, Winner of the British Chartered Institute of Building Architectural Competition
Mikhail Denezhkin
One of the Organizers of the First Avant-garde Factory City Festival, Curator of the Walks Around the City Project, Employee of the Center for Tourism and Hospitality Development of Ivanovo Region.
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